set sail for fail!


Have a good story of a program, event, or service that didn’t work out the way you thought it would? We want to hear from YOU!

SET SAIL FOR FAIL” is a Networking Uncommons event on Sunday January 17th at 2pm. This moderated discussion/commiseration will be lead by Karen Klapperstuck (Virtual Branch Manager, Monroe Township Library, NJ) and Andy Woodworth (Librarian, Burlington County Library System, NJ).

What we are looking for are additional volunteers to shares their stories of programs, events, and services that ended up in the FAIL bin. Without additional people, this will probably end up with Karen and Andy talking about how an impromptu discussion group about failing… failed. (In case of an epic fail [NSFW link], they will be talking about it just to each other.)

For those interested in sharing their tales, please arrive at least 15 minutes early so you can sign up on our speakers list. (Here is what we look like via our Twitter accounts: Karen, Andy.) Every story of fail should include:

  • the name of the program, service, or event
  • the purpose of the program (e.g. to attract new patrons, etc.)
  • what happened to make it result in failure
  • and what you think made it fail

One lucky(?) speaker whose tale is chosen the most epic of fails by our judges (Karen and Andy) will be given a $25 gift certificate to Barnes & Noble. 

Attendance does not require participation. (But you know you want to.)

Come for the morbid curiosity, come to lend moral support, come to try to figure out why one of your programs failed in the past, but if anything, come because there is much fun to be had talking about failure!